October 31st ,2001
Today is halloween and me and my fiends (ha ha halloween!) have set out to make
an amateur horror film. The project lacks all necessary elements of good film techniques (storyboards,scripts,etc.) and will
undoubtedly turn into a comic jokefest but hey we're not pros so we'll go break a leg and have a laugh over the dismally lacking
scary results.
By the way got a new game Dragon Warrior 3 for my GBC check this site out for info (I highly recommend
Enix Official Dragon Warrior 3 Site
March 11,2002
Well soon (A month or so) I may have more regular access to a PC so more regular updates will follow. But in other
matters I recently broke a long standing writers block and began working on old fantasy material from back in high school.
It was inspired by my peers, but lately has taken on a life of it's own. I have posted a blurb more info will follow soon
as I put many finalized thoughts and ideas to paper. Ozzy and Metallica have as of late taken a forefront in my musical tastes,
as I have beat my long-standing bias of old-school metal and accepted it into my library of musics. In gaming I have been
playing Dynasty Warriors 3 like a madman, as the gameplay appeals more to me lately than conventional RPG's (such as FFX).
One RPG which has bitten me lately is the PS1 epic Star Ocean: The 2nd Story which has a great battle system allowing action
oriented interaction in the battles and a complex multi-layered skill system of some depth. In books I have read the
fantastic Tolkien epic The Simarillion and have nothing but praise for it's contents which depict the First Age
of Middle-Earth and the history of the elves of Middle-Earth in it's early days before the coming of men. Well,
that's all for now talk to you at the next post.
August 24, 2002
I recently updated the mission statement of my site to more closely outline my opinions on what pop culture is, which
is basically the many led by the few. Being a strong-minded individual, I can't buy into what's cool or the next big thing,
while many are rushing out to buy the new Creed albums, I listen to classics like Black Sabbath and where many rush to the
GAP for the lateset fashions I buy a new T-Shirt marked with some nostalgic old Transformer Logo on it (I must stress I ACTUALLY
liked Tranformers when I was younger unlike some who buy the new slew of shirts just to be with the FAD of having one, even
if they know next to nothing about the show in general and MAY NEVER HAVE EVEN SEEN IT ONCE IN IT'S 85-86 original run!).
So please understand I do what I do, not because my friends do it or to be accepted by the IN-CROWD, but for my own sake and
entertainment. Thanks for listening this is MK over and out till next time! Saviour X RULZ! (Another TRUE individual, visit
his site I urge you true individuals out there it will humour you greatly!)
October 2,2003
I am finally online and connected so this site may now be seeing constant & regular updates so pleases keep checking
out the site if you're entertained by it.
January 15, 2005
FINALLY bought Axis & Allies: Pacific last week and played a few times since have to say it's fun, I played as the
Commonwealth forces and enjoyed the scenario immensely. Japan is a terror on the first turn with a suprise strike where defenders
are penalized. Checked out Saviour X's site lately and boy am I ticked, seems he chats with all the old gang, except me nowadays.
Laughed at the fact he didn't learn of another friend of ours' plan to get married until way after I had heard this
through another friend in our old cliche months before. Shook my head at his stalker-like behavior about a college
crush he has on a girl named Lisa, likes to watch her, well . . . . NO NO NO NO NO NO that's not the way to show a girl romance:
talk to her, say nice things to her and about her, and give her tolkens of appreciation or affection toward her (nothing to
crazy to start though) but god dammit don't stare blankly and long for her, that gets you nowhere, you have to make a
move to find out if she likes you or if she doesn't care for your company at all. Communication is the only path to true understanding
between two individuals seeking romance, the key to learning others hopes and dreams and seeing if ours fit theirs and
if their is a potential for "Love" with this special someone.